All opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and should not be reproduced, quoted in publications, or
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An international journal of news from the stellarator community
Editor: James A. Rome Issue 179 June 2022
E-Mail: James.Rome@ Phone: +1 (865) 482-5643
On the Web at
Call for proposals for the 24th
LHD experiment campaign in
FY 2022/2023
To prepare the experimental program for the 24th LHD
experiment campaign (the last deuterium experiment campaign
in LHD), I am pleased to invite you to submit experiment
proposals. Submission of the proposals will be
possible between June 6 and June 30, 2022. The experiment
program of the 24th LHD experiment campaign will
be established based on the submitted proposals.
All the experiment proposals will undergo a review process.
The proposals will be selected based on scientific
quality and consistency with the research priorities in the
24th LHD experiment campaign. Furthermore, the LHD
FY2022 Research Forum, held from July 11 to July 15,
2022, on a virtual basis, is intended to allow the proponents
to present and discuss ideas for experiments to be
conducted in the coming 24th LHD experiment campaign.
June 6, 2022
Open of the experiment proposal call
June 30, 2022
Close of the experiment proposal call
July 11–15, 2022
LHD FY2022 Research Forum (Virtual)
September 29, 2022
Start of 24th LHD experimental campaign
February 2, 2023
End of 24th LHD experimental campaign
Topical groups
1. Multi-ion plasma,
Naoki Tamura (
Masahiro Kobayashi (
2. Turbulence
Tokihiko Tokuzawa (
3. Spectroscopy
Motoshi Goto (
4. Instability
Yuki Takemura (
Kenichi Nagaoka (
At the proposal submission website
# The following operations must be performed after June
1. Please go to the NIFS website,
2. Click “Large Helical Device Project” in the middle of
the NIFS website.
In this issue . . .
Call for proposals for the 24th LHD experiment
campaign in FY 2022/2023
Timeline and instructions for proposalsfor LHD experiments
are presented................................................ 1
Stellarator News -2- June 2022
3. Click “Proposal” in the top banner.
4. Click “set your password” if you are logging to the
“LHD collaborator’s website” including the “Proposal
submission page” for the first time after April 2022.
# If you do not know your email address, which is
used for NIFS collaborative research, please ask your
NIFS contact person.
5. After renewing your password, please click the “Proposal
submission page.”
Submitting a proposal through the submission website
requires all LHD collaborators’ credentials. If you are not
an LHD collaborator or are not sure if you are an LHD
collaborator, please input the necessary information into
the “Registration information” form on the “Proposal”
web page of “Large Helical Device Project” website.
We are looking forward to receiving many exciting proposals.
Prof. Dr. Katsumi Ida (Executive Director on Science,
Large Helical Device Project)
for the LHD Experiment Group
National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan

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